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Bear Values & Social Responsibility

The Bear Team Values

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the bear


Each week, we have a charity jackpot, giving away £200. Generally, we select a children's hospice for £100 and a charity that's being supported by one of our customers for the second £100. We love to support the great efforts of our runners, all year round.

We also support local races that are fundraising for charity, like the amazing Mick Hall, who puts on a series of races each year to raise money for Lymphoma.

This year we'll be putting on our first virtual event, an off-road 5 mile challenge, to support a customer who's raising money for CRY charity.

We have donated £1000 to charity from the sales of our Running Bear Heaton Collection.

We've donated Running Bear branded products to charity, including a Women's Refuge.


We build up a collection of unwanted or slightly damaged trainers and donate them to charities, such as Wellspring, a charity for homeless people.

We have regular deliveries of shoes, which come in vast quantities of unwanted cardboard boxes, which are collected by a recycling waste firm. However, any customers are welcome to have them, if they're moving house, just give us a call!

Community and Volunteering

We have a free virtual running group called Running Bear RC, with 1200 members. Our purpose is to help bring joy and education to runners, to ensure they can expand their horizons and run injury-free.

We organise free runs and run groups from starting to run, to getting faster or longer. There are local sessions and runs in Alderley Edge and the Bears go on tour regularly, to further afield destinations.

We've recently started "plogging", which combines running and litter picking.

Running Bear Brand

Our clothing products are either manufactured in the UK or Turkey, with ethical business practices and high quality conditions.

Our Team are highly respected and appreciated, with lots of benefits associated with their passion for running.

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