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Zen Collection

Zen Collection

Running Bear Zen Collection provides the very best in athletic clothing while minimizing our impact on the environment.

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Zen Collection

zen collection eco friendly fashion at running bear bamboo athletic wear

Zen Collection

The purpose of our Zen Collection is to provide the very best in athletic wear while minimising our impact on the environment.

Bamboo is our choice material as it naturally grows very fast without the need for additional fertilisers. Bamboo also self re-generates and does not require replanting once harvested. Bamboo also uses less water to grow than traditional crops.

This sustainable material makes for a breathable, moisture-free, and comfortable athletic experience. In our Running Bear Zen Collection, the bamboo fabric offers fantastic ventilation. There are microscopic holes in the fibres, which keeps athletes fresher and dryer for longer. Bamboo fibre also repels moisture. It is naturally very soft, stretchy and extremely comfortable.

Bamboo is hypoallergenic and wrinkle resistant. There is no need for a fabric softener as it is naturally very soft.

Perform your best while protecting the planet. If you have any questions about the Zen Collection, please feel free to contact the Bears!

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