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Running Faster…It’s just one step after another!

The question is simple enough, but harder to execute! This article is related more to our posture and gait as opposed to the training required!

If we don’t run efficiently, a number of things will happen…We won’t run to our true potential, we will tire more quickly, and worst of all, we will be more susceptible to injury. While technique is important, it’s something to be aware of…To perhaps just play with and experiment on a relaxed run. It’s not necessarily something to obsess about…There are certainly some great runners who have not always had the most elegant of styles but they are the minority…Most good runners make running look easy!

High hips and high shoulders is an expression often used…Not rigid but relaxed yet upright and allowing the head to remain static and looking forwards. A long spine and not crunched at the shoulders…Particularly important as you tire!

You want to lean slightly into the run as opposed to entirely upright. Very slightly and the lean should come from your hips and not from your shoulders Without doing this you won’t be able to get the most power you can of your stride. Imagine running on the spot…Totally upright does not allow for the correct bend in the knee to allow for a strong drive from the foot…A big part in propelling you forward! Developing this point, knee lift is important. Your knee should be in line with the middle of your foot so that when your foot strikes the ground, it’s right under your knee. The body perfectly balanced.

Running is a forward sport, meaning that our arms become an important part of our armoury. Your arms propel you forwards meaning they need to drive in a forward motion…Like a pendulum. You will see sprinters run with very exaggerated arms, helping to create maximum forwards momentum. Any movement across the body reduces the forwards momentum. Arms swinging so that the hand finishes in line with the chin on the “up motion” and in line with the hips om the “down motion”.

The body needs to stay relaxed as any tension will purely make you more tired and not allow you to carry out the above movements as efficiently as desired.

Carrying out the above as efficiently as possible will help with two things in addition to having the correct posture…Cadence and stride length…Ultimately, two principles of faster running. Most recreational runners will have a cadence of circa 160 per minute (leg speed turnover), good cub runners circa 185/190 (the number of times your feet it the ground in one minute). I discount stride length in some ways, run with the right style and stride length will work itself out. When stride length is too long, the ability to drive forwards with the right teqhnique becomes impaired.

Don’t obsess…Just some easy drills to practice…Enjoy your running!

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